he was nothin but a hoodrat
by CAYE y AJR December 24, 2008
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1. A college girl who sleeps around with only frat guys and only has 5 criteria for atire, 1: a black northface jacket; 2: black tights; 3: uggs; 4: a pink razor phone; 5: giant sunglasses. They are very snotty and think they are better than everyone else. They can also be called frat rats.
"That bitch is such a hoodrats"
"everywhere i look i see hoodrats
by casualty389 December 7, 2007
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A man slag who has 2481956892168 hoes and is extremely promiscous.

Can usually be found on the streets of plymouth advertising his business.
hectic bruv, hectic.. lukie is such a hoodrat that he had 213 hoes at one time last night
by Katy B January 27, 2008
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When a criminal in the hood is rightfully sentenced due to their crimes, the hood rat howl is the sound that the thugs family always exhibits when they are held responsible for their actions. It starts with some crying, but quickly turns into screaming expletives at the judge, victims family ect. for no reason, but the resulting sound is not very coherent.
Judge: Due to the extremely violent nature of the crime and the defendants previous felony's, he shall be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Criminals Family: <Hoodrat Howl>
by disownedpear October 30, 2018
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Things a 7 year old Boss does. Like stealing cars, hitting mail boxes and parked cars, totaling your grandmothers dodge durango, and making the 6 o'clock news.
Kid: "I wanted to do it because its fun to do bad things"

Reporter: "Do you realize you could of killed somebody?"

Kid: "Yes, but I wanted to do hoodrat things with my friends"
by BigNAsty123 May 8, 2011
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Reference to a ghetto female in porximity. Used as an insult ususally to degrade a chick who broke a nigguhs heart.
by Ztephiee December 1, 2010
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A suburban person who identifies with the hood, hood rat things, and trap music
Suburban hoodrat: is a a girl like Lauren that lives in a 15 million dollar house has a black Amex but wants to act like she lives in a housing project, smoking weed and blasting trap music.
by Alphajap December 11, 2017
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