An IM service thinly disguised as a game. Thanks to pest control, Habbo Hotel is free of squirrels.
The best thing about Habbo is that Habbo money can't be converted back into real money, unless you sell it on eBay.
Children have digital cartoon sex in Habbo Hotel.
by squirrelbane October 29, 2006
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Habbo Hotel is a shit place were all the junkies and pedafiles go.
it also makes you pay for shit virtual furniture and credits.

See Also: pedafile, junkie.
Habbo: can i order 5 credits please
Habbo Hotel Staff: That will be £50.
Habbo: OK
Habbo Hotel Staff: There you go! Thankyou!
(Habbo goes away)
Habbo Hotel Staff: He, He, He! Sucker!
by joe perkins December 19, 2005
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A shit little place where you pay a fucktard to put some words in your name
Fucktard: hey gimme 50 hc's and ill let u put god owner in your name.

Poor Sucka on Habbo: Ok
by Fuckhabbo April 24, 2005
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Well, I have a gay friend that play this, and it's a total piece of shit that deserves to be burnt in hell. I hate this piece of crap and i deserves to be taken down. I mean, who the hell plays this?
by Ronaldinio May 4, 2005
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Habbo suck's u enter a big orange hotel with only two car's outside u create your own account and they suck u into buying credit's in term's *fake habbo credit's* for your real money which is a rip off u enter room's where u can walk around chat they filter out swear word's because of naughty habbo's and last of all habbo is full of scammer's hackers scripters u name it. Word of advice dont go on habbo.

Person 1: Hey u want free credits?
Person 2: wowerz free credits for me yes please
Person 1: ok give me your password and u can have credits
Person 2: ok heres my pass *******
Person 1: Haha got you now >:D
Person 2: Noooooo :'(

do not play the game habbo hotel i repeat do not play it do not play it habbo sucks
by Homie145 May 4, 2006
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A game you get addicted to for about a week, spend a lot of money on for crap, and attracts B-list celebrities to appear on it for about 10 minutes.
A pretty good place to find a temporary eGirlfriend/Boyfriend, but watch out for kiddy fiddlers
As bad as Habbo Hotel is, it still cant suck as bad as
by bobby! May 19, 2007
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Oh, the joys of Habbo! Don't ya just love it? Perves trying to find out where you live, 9 year old noobs, crap moderators, the swearing filter... its all so wonderful!
Let me share some of my wisdom with you.

Perverts: Far, far to many. You can't walk in a room without someone going a/s/l? all the time. Litrally, when I went on habbo to see if it had got any better (hell no), I saw 5 perves asking people where they lived in a fucking day. Don't trust anyone on Habbo. Perves! The lot of them!

Noobs: Yeah. You walk straight into Habbo hotel (with 2 crappy cars in the car park) and all you can hear is 'omg ur so hot wanna go out?'. Well, unless all of a sudden people find 3cm tall pixelated charchters hot, I'm pretty sure its fucked up.

Furni: If you don't have any 'good' furrni, don't expect ANY friends. Ok? Either cough up $50 for coins or you might as well delete your habbo.

Language filter: Ok, I understand wanting to block it, considering they pay so much less attention they have 9 year olds on their game. But, come ON. Bobba. For fucks sake, BOBBA. Is that the best they can fucking do? Yup, thats right kids, you swear on habbo, it will appear as BOBBA. And also, even if their part of other words, they wont let that through either. Eg. essex will become esBobba. Retarded.
Thats only a few things that show you Habbo is frickin' gay.
Perv: Hi!
some faggot: Hi!
Perv: Whats your name?
fag: I'm not allowed to give it out.
Perv: Ok, I'll keep all my furni to myself.
Fag: Oh, wait! Its Johnny. Johnny Smith.
Perv: Ok, Johnny. Where do you live?
Johnny: I can't give that out either!
Perv: I'll give you credits.
John: Oh, ok, (some bullshit place here).
Perv: Ok!
News: 9 year old Johnny was raped and killed yesterday evening. All the investigators could find was a conversation on Johnny's pc...

Noob1: hi ur so h0t wanna go out
Noob2: yeah i luv u babe lets get mari3d
Noob1: ok!
Half an hour later
Noob2: its not working out
Noob1: omg no please dont leave i luv u plzzzzzzzzzzzz

Some kid: Wahhhh I need a mommy
Some other kid: ill be ur mommy!
They get to the Mommy's home
kid1: oh wait i dont wanna be ur kid no more u aint got no furni
kid2: no please dont leave i need u :(

Habbo Hotel is retarded.
by Penguins Kick Ass January 19, 2009
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