A curriculum taught by a professor who has mastered and specializes in gaslighting.
by Simplicitees June 2, 2023
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The act of planting a plushie in someones room, and convince them it’s always been there. Every time they get rid of it, you replace it and add a new plushie to their collection. Repeat until they're clinically insane.
"Dude, why are there so many plushies in ___'s room?"
"Plushie Gaslighting."
by Agent P.P November 25, 2022
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When you deny your own actual experience and lie to yourself to convince yourself that something you actually know in your heart of hearts to be true, ISN'T actually true.
Jenny self-gaslights because she has convinced herself that the guy who has cheated on her twice will not cheat again even though he texts other women and is still very active on dating apps.
by Advanced Bitches June 27, 2020
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Band out of Asbury Park, New Jersey that sounds like a punk/blues mix. A good band that is starting to become more of a major band and is going to be the next Against Me! in no time at all....
"The Gaslight anthem was so good until they went major label like against me! and now they are just, okay i guess..."
by himself570 April 14, 2009
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You try to do the magical disappear behind bedsheet trick but you still stand there when it falls and then you tell the other person you’re not there anymore and that they’re probably mental like you always tried to tell them
A: „I still see you“
B: „im not here… I just disappeared by using an old magic trick. Told you you’re a crazy bitch, believe me now? Or do you REALLY think magical gaslighting exists, weirdo?“
A: „damn how could I not have seen that he was right all those years“
by Palpatina January 16, 2022
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When the place is very far. But Lasallians tell you it is not
-They told me “Lapit lang na, daw sa into ka”. But it is a 10 kilometer walk and they laughed at me saying it was not far at all.

-Yeah, typical Lasallian gaslight
by Paredude July 30, 2022
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word created my the greek goddess, Lia.
DEFINITION: forcing yourself into thinking something
Me: This song is the best song ever!
You: no it actually sucks ...
Me: what ever bro this song slaps
You: stop self-gaslighting dude we all know that song is trash
by knowlegde69 December 15, 2021
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