A pipe/plank-sound, that is used in Bouncy/scouse house/NRG music. Hearing this sound in a piece of music, one can easily recognise the genre of music it is.

The sound is most commonly placed midway between beats, in the same place as hi-hats, but can be put in other places for different effects and such. The music it is used in is usually played between 150 and 160 Beats Per Minute.

When dancing, a donk commonly makes the dancer bounce on the donk beat.
They're playing some bouncy donk music tonight at that club!

Are we goin' donkin tonight?
by BraDRoBBo March 29, 2008
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ONLY AN IMPALA! Not any other kinda car except that. Its a shortened version of donkey, which refers to the impala symbol, which is an antelope, or a Donkey to some. Usually a 1970-1976 Impala.
"24s on the Donk go round and round..." -Field Mob, WHEELS
by C-Mizzle August 4, 2005
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A person of very low IQ.
Person 1:"Red Scorpion, TAG 63, and Tom Bown are all just a bunch of DONKS"
Person 2: "YEAH THEY ARE!!!"
Bown: "Okay"
by plopilpy November 17, 2020
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American slang for a women’s fat ass.
Usually said in the third person bcuz although it’s meant as compliment, it may be considered lowkey disrespectful when said to someone’s face.
ill-advised usage —
Travis: Daaaammn babygirl, you got a DONK!! Can I talk to you for a minute?
Isabelle: ew no

advised usage —
Soulja Boy: She got a donk.
by bbxx95 June 12, 2021
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