People that frequently smoke tobacco products such as cigarettes can sometimes develop what is called "curry nails" or tobacco staining of the fingers in place of where they usually hold a cigarette. This staining is similar in appearance to the staining of spilt curry on the hands and fingers.
Don't accept any food she gives you, she has curry nails so she probably doesn't wash her hands often.
by Lord Cumberland February 9, 2017
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Noun: A girl who attends Curry College (Milton, MA) who is a nonhuman creature.

They are distinguished by the following characteristics:

-cling onto NCAA Division III Athletes
-going to parties that get busted by the police in 10 minutes
-either no sexual history or a long sexual history
-extremely judgmental
-think they are better than everyone
-most likely a nursing, psychology, or education major
-are typically drinkers
"Did you hear Ness blacked out at the Hockey House?"
"No, I heard the Hockey House got bopped by the cops."
"Why do Curry Girls go to the Hockey House?"
by Bickieditch April 25, 2019
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A bizzare wooley haired human like creature from the Welsh Border Marches, comes out at night and is not easily tamed, he may bite. Likes Indian food and Metalica.
Boy1:Wow is that Oliver Curry?

Boy2: Yea shall we feed him?

Boy1: No, beter not he might bite.
by Scarlet Poet March 18, 2011
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A hard constipated shit forced out by a spicy meal containing curry.
Bob: did you finally shit? Your farts were really getting stale.

Jesse: OMG yes!! I ate spicy jungle curry last night that forced it out this morning.

Bob: yeah that's a curry comet!! Works every time.
by Flapjack27 December 30, 2014
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When a ton of east indian males get in the back of an Suv and have intense intercourse, taking turns jizzing on each others faces.
Hey Chad I was at the tennis court last night when I saw a ton of indians having a curry orgy, it was awesome!
by G-shiz April 7, 2011
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The result of a failed rape. The would-be rapist is enticed into oral sex, at which point the victim promptly severs the penis, with her (or his, whatever) teeth. Thus bitten the fuck off, the penis is stewed with curry, and assorted vegetables of your choosing. Sharing with the attacker is optional, but hilarious.
Touch me again and it'll be curried dick for supper.
by jamesonsteinsteen February 25, 2011
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the act of searching out for sexual or romantic pleasure those of Indian or similiar descent in order to satisfy one's brown fever
Hey, let's jump in Summit's car, pump up some tunes and go curry cruising since Chris has brown fever.
by Chachmo October 23, 2007
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