Wanna-be Mary Poppins (AKA big sister, US-KGB) definition of anything that they (don't say she!) do not approve of.
Oh Twaddle is just full of malign creativity now. We must stop this at all costs. How can we destroy them? Call the TNI, NYT, BBC ... Call them! Call them all!!!
by pmah1 May 2, 2022
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Like creative periods or creative menstrual cycle where an artist is unable to produce any creative off-springs.
I think my creative bleeding is over for now and yes, I am back with bang!
by thinkingbuddha December 11, 2013
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Getting Diamonds From A Box on your screen And hoping your sister doesn't see
I'm Fooling my sister and entering creative mode, I'm saying i found these diamonds
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Hairstyles that are some-what unorthadox. Usually associated with Toni and Guy and are often messy and can vary drastically in length. People are usually accused of having paid too much for their hair if it is "creative". Having creative hair should be seen as a positive thing but those who are follically challenged or have no sense of trends and fashions may try to tease a person for having creative hair. This is usually down to jealousy. Creative hair often requires a great deal of hair care products.
Simon that is very creative hair.
I like your creative hair even though it is a bit attention seeking.
by Spunko December 22, 2006
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What you say when you kick someone off or out of something, because you’re afraid you actually have to get out of bed and do your job.
Krista Vernoff and Shonda Rhimes: we are letting go of Arizona and April for creative reasons
by 911yeshello April 4, 2018
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A sport that takes place in grotty university housing that involves the innovative mass genocide of small crane fly or other insect infestations. The use of utensils or other killing weapons is highly regarded in this sport.
I just fried a crane fly. CREATIVE KILL

I just pulled off its wings and smashed it. CREATIVE KILL

I just burnt that crane fly with my lighter. CREATIVE KILL
by Snapbackchat May 24, 2014
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To find unique, and usually illegal, ways to obtain large amounts of money in a short period of time.
"I gotta come up with some creative financing if I'm gonna come up with 2G's"
by Neener June 16, 2004
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