A phrase used in the place of "make out"

also referring to secret make out sessions held in coat check closets or other small intimate rooms where you can get privacy.

not the best time for 2nd base, 3rd base , or 4th base activity, mainly just for 1st base; unless both people are flexible in strange ways.
Guy 1: hey, dude, i saw you ditch the party with the chick last night. how'd it go?

Guy 2: nah, we didn't leave but i totally checked her coat

Girl 1: did you guys make out up in your room when your parents were out of town?

Girl 2: my mom can hear us, so lets just say all i did was check a coat
by impressivo November 8, 2009
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A new form of social interaction, popular with students from the Midlands in the UK, where groups of people meet to look through each other's coat pockets. The items they find are then used to start conversations and friendships.

A speed-dating version also exists, although this is rarer and generally frowned upon by orthodox coat-feelers.
Tim: Coming for a spot of coat-feeling?
Ben: I'd love to, but the last time I did it the feeler had sticky hands, and thus my coat is in the wash.
by Mirk Stover December 2, 2007
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A traditional straight-sleeved Japanese coat typically featuring a crest or emblem and devoid of front fasteners. They are popular in the culture of the Hash House Harriers to represent Hashing kennels.
"Allison's happi coat looked good on her and showed off her ample bosom."
by Shoe Said Head HSWTFH3 April 11, 2019
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Yet another term for vagina. When you unzip a traveling coat bag and pull it open to examine the somewhat wrinkled contents the resulting scene resembles the female anatomy.
by coatbag April 1, 2011
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The most bad ass of all the soldiers. They are virtually unstoppable. They're basically super upgraded redcoats. Each has the strength of a thousand men and wields a hand cannon that shreds all sentient life.
"You think we're gonna win the battle?"
"Hell no, They have Green Coats"

by ur mummy January 27, 2014
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"You better put on a Jimmy Coat before you think about putting that thing in my booty."
by bmx_x December 19, 2006
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A Person Who Changes Uniforms During Wartime To Appear As If They Are On Your Side. Could Also Be Someone Who's Not Really Your Friend But Are Only Trying To get Information For Your Enemy.
Co-Worker: Watch What You Say In Front Of Him. Because I Think It Gets Right Back To The Bosses Ears.

You: What? I Thought He Was Our Friend?

Co-worker: Nope, He's A Damn Turn Coat!
by DGringo October 2, 2009
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