The sexiest guy on the face of the earth. A total hunk with a steamy personality and has the amazing ability to sweep a girl off her feet. And on top of that the sweetest person you will ever meet with crazy comical skills.
Girl 1"Oh my gosh, hes soooo dreamy!"
Girl 2"OH, i know!! Hes a total brandon!"
Girl 1"Don't get any ideas, I saw him first!"
Girl 2"Pff, are you kidding? you'd never deserve a brandon!"
by eprincess99 August 12, 2010
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A guy who's very unique, incredibly sweet, amazing kisser, and an unforgettable guy. He's so funny and a complete nerdy dork (but in a cute way), an with an unexpectedly nice body.
Person 1: Who's that guy?

Person 2: Oh him? That's Brandon.

Person 1: He's so fucking cute. Can I smashh?
by Bean.Bean. April 28, 2011
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A guy with a huge dick. Brandons are always great kissers and are amazing in bed.
Last night i fucked brandon. It was amazing.
by Beautiful beast ❤️ January 29, 2018
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The most AMAZING guy in the whole world! i wish i could be with him every min of every day hes so sweet and amazing!!!! ily
Wow that boy is a total Brandon
by jessiejellogivens July 7, 2011
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The most sexiest man alive. A combination of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio with the attitude of Bam Margera himself. The thing that keeps you up at night wondering if you have a chance in hell with him. The Second Coming Of Jesus!!!!!!!!
That guy so hot, he must be a Brandon!!!
by UDon'tKnoMeh February 26, 2009
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