A best friend is a person who is always there for you,no matter what , where and when, you always have fun together, knows everything about you knows what you hate and like
by Aisha a December 27, 2016
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a person who makes you uncontrollably happy and somebody who you love to the end of time
by sports1234 July 24, 2019
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A best friend is a person who lets you call them a cluck and doesn’t get mad. They take your hoodies and never give them back. They keep you company at track practice and at the mall whenever they need help deciding on what clothing to get. They only hug you on special occasions, but when they do they’re good hugs. But most importantly, a best friend is someone who makes you laugh even when they annoy you and get you upset. Happy Birthday best friend!
by Cacacire February 28, 2018
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Someone who you hate in every way possible who somehow found a way into your life. You started hanging out for a while, realized you had a lot in common, and then eventually started to love just a LITTLE bit more than you hated them so now you hang out when you look like Dookey, you can fart around, you can COMFORTABLY take a shit in their house and not get new toilet paper. You are also probably friends with their siblings now too even if they are 3 and you are 37.
Ugh. I gotta go to my best friends house in an hour. Prolly just gonna watch tik tok the whole time in awkward silence but still have fun somehow.
by theChickenButt March 23, 2022
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Instead of keeping your friends from making stupid decisions, you film them as fuck up their whole lives
"good friends help you up when you fall, best friends push you back down and laugh."
by S-l-u-t March 14, 2019
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Whoever wish hell upon my soul and spirit,
Behold these lyrics
I got a best friend!
by GloryKlaw March 5, 2016
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A Best Friend is someone who's always there for you and is beside you no matter what. I've had plenty of so called Best Friends So glad I have one now who's funny, kind, attractive and so much more. A Best Friend is someone who is there for you and you in return. Someone who could never leave you and sometimes you catch feelings for each other or maybe just one of you that's fine but remember to have rules and stick by them.
My best friend is Matt he's always there for me I couldn't live without him. He's also really cheesy
by BigManStephen69 November 11, 2018
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