the johnson country (ks) way of tp'ing. At the end of the day, the left over bagels at Einstein Bros. are given away. So people dumb them on unsuspecting yards. Like tp'ing put more expensive. Best done if it will rain that night.
Person 1: Hey dude, that ass Jake broke up with me
Person 2: Hey I got an idea, let's TP his house!
Person 1: No dude, it's going to rain tonight, let's bagel it.
by bumblingbando May 31, 2004
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A round thing with a hole, but not a doughnut because it's not all pretty and cool and stuff like that...
by YoMamma February 23, 2003
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grabbing a somewhat chubby person's belly fat during the act of lovemaking until it forms a shape reminiscent of a bagel and proceeding to penetrate the hell out of the belly-button with your object of choice. objects of choice could possibly be a penis, a dildo, the one-fingered neighborhood kid, etc.
"I came home last night after a long session of bageling your mom."

guy 1: "Dude! What was she like in the sack?!"
guy 2: "Totally awesome man! She's really into bageling!"
by piemaster5000 August 6, 2009
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When saying goodbye, you use this word which means PEACE.
Toma : "Alright guys I'm out...peace BAGELS
Matty D: "Make it an Onion!"
by Mt. Sinai April 23, 2006
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"bagels" is a term to use when an older womans boobs are sagging very low.
oh my good look at ms. connies bagels! they are practically in her oven!
by hot cheetos January 9, 2013
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-ey did you get some bagels last night?
+yeah cuh. cream cheese and alllll!
by k-deezie March 14, 2008
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In County CLare in Ireland we call a redneck a bagel, fuckin no idea where it originated.
The town was full a bagels last night, white shirts
by Annie April 7, 2005
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