Rape awareness day! A lot of you retards think it’s National RAPE day but it’s just honoring the people who did actually get raped so check your facts before you say something that makes you look stupid☺️
Person 1: “April 24th is National rape day I’m scared!”
Person 2: “don’t be stupid silly! It’s Rape awareness day!”
by Mimibutt April 23, 2023
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a dumb day that some man made of allowing to steal any girl you decide you want
dude-“hey man its April 24th, what are you doing today?”

other dude-“oh i am just gonna go steal a girl i want”

dude-“that’s so wrong of you man....”
by Anonymous Lady. April 19, 2021
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national buddy day

happy buddy day :0)
hey it’s april 24th ! happy national buddy day buddy !!
by aangiscool August 3, 2021
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A day that nor/mal🥶💪😈🥵 boys call "Rape Day".
"Did you hear about Josh saying that he's gonna have some fun on the 24th?"
"Wait, thats April 24th, the random date of Rape Day!!"
by moles29_45 April 20, 2021
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