The kind of mother fucker who would shoot up the school because he can't get a boyfriend.
You're such an Adrian bitch.
by P33P33H3ad6911 January 28, 2020
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They can be very friendly, but They have a huge ego. They are usually so terrible at videogames, and to be honest at everything. They always tend to get in love with younger women, and get into problems with the law because of it. An Adrian is the most likely person to end up homeless or in jail for being in a relationship with a young girl.
adrian can be cocky
by Realesteem333 October 14, 2019
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He’s a chill dude that would be down to do anything (not gay shit tho). He also looks like a cholo.
Guy: Adrian looks like a cholo
Guy2: gay cholo
by Big nibbbbba February 22, 2020
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1) A narcissistic drug addicted worthless vile excuse of a human being. Ignorant to the point of laughable which coincidentally describes his penis perfectly. Suffers from a gargantuan Napoleon/God complex. Could NOT care less (not could care less) about anything other than his wretched disgusting need for instant gratification. The punch line of an infinite number of jokes.

2) Related to/of the blood line of THEIR Messiah. This according to THEIR Messiah. (John 4:20-24) so literally speaking closer to Christ than they are. A family member, not a guest.
I'm Adrian believe it! A star! go worship the magical Jew Jesus...You're welcome.
by SacLodiModRivTurHELL August 19, 2020
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The triple A: Academic, Athletic, Artistic. Fittest person known to man kind.
Girl: He's fit, who is he?
Guy: Adrian, * blushes *
by WelshMicrowave November 17, 2019
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Very good with technology and very quiet when you meet, however very good with the girls when they get to know him. Very hot and sexy too. Really, really likes Jennifer LIKE A LOTT A LOTTTT, HEAPPPPSSSS.
person 1: Hey is that Adrian?

person 2: Yea the one that really in love with Jennifer the hot one.
by anonyyanooonyyyanaou December 5, 2019
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Adrian is a childish boy. Often people with this name is disabled and lack social skills. This kid often like younger girls and boys. People named Adrian have some type of ADHD.
Adrian is a disabled kid
by Maximuzs December 1, 2021
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