Hot usually short and small but full of love to give and share. Mean at times but you don't stop loving him.
I love Jay so much and I just can't stop!
by i♥jay623 November 1, 2009
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a shy boy with a perverted mind... and tends to have unruly hair
Oh Jay! Stop being an idiot!
by dfasdfasdfafasdfasdfasd April 29, 2011
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A Bad-ass that can sing and play like every instrument.
Dude i wish i was Jay
by Ryan Hatriss June 23, 2013
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a lao word that can be translated to be heart or love. can be a nickname
hi jai!
by high jai April 26, 2010
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A name of a boy or girl, often shortened from the original name.

Normally mistaken for purley a boy's name.

Also can mean "free" (derived from the term - "free as a jay bird")
Tim: "Hey Jay, how you doing?"


'He was happy now that he was a Jay, being with that girl sure tied him down'
by Jay21 May 3, 2006
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the cutest, most amazing, perfect, hot, talented man in the world. constantly makes you uwu
ugh jay made me UWU again and hurts my heart daily!
by jayfansite August 28, 2018
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a jay, is anti-social with a forehead bigger then his ego.
person 1: "hey did you hear about jay?"
person 2: "yeah.. when was the last time he was outside?"
person 1: "cant remember."
by nignignoggynig May 30, 2018
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