Typically an overweight, condescending kind of guy who gets his daily elitist fixes by pointing out the obvious. A Keith generally fears change and will use any excuse, no matter how ridiculous, to avoid changing anything. Petty, stubborn, arrogant, paranoid and exceptionally small minded. Often found working in IT offices around the country.
Andy: Keith, have you changed something?
Keith: Maybe
Andy: Any ideas as to what you might have changed?
~ 2 minutes elapses ~
Keith: No, soz. I knew a couple of minutes ago though

by ScarredByKeiths August 29, 2010
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-The most unattractive male name.
- typically an ass who feels as though he's entitled to everything and who does nothing to support that attitude.
Keith -A redneck who thinks its cool to save beer can tabs.
by Rose Elizabeth Dawson September 26, 2010
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A boy with incredibly bad luck that bares a striking resemblance to a horse.
Uhh track uh the Keith luck!”
by werdna313 June 15, 2022
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Keith is a very mean and harsh guy. He creates that death stare with his eyebrows and eyes that makes him look like a gangster. Those creep stare eyes looks very attractive with his mask on. Without his mask, his looks dropped down to a negative one over hundred. With his glasses on, he can be a very kind and loving guy. He has that decent look which makes him look like a good boy. He usually plays Pokemon and wines like a kid if he never get a chance to play for a day. He can be dumb whenever he never watches the road. Sometimes you have to scold him or slap his ass hard. During his love life, he can be quite sensitive when his partner talks to any guy. He makes sure you don't cheat on him all day.
Please police keith catch me if you think im a cheater!
by KTKX August 18, 2021
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(verb) To fail in the daily wordle game. When someone loses by failing to guess the word within 6 attempts.
I can't believe you keithed this morning. That wordle was so easy, I got it in 3.
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The type of guy to hit on all the girls, taken or not, even though he has a girlfriend already, and usually gets away with it
Dude that guy is such a fuckin Keith
by SeñorFungus February 28, 2019
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