The Dumb Bitch 180 is where a person walks up to someone they don't even know and says"fight me bitch!" just to act big and cool. the results are not good because when you do this 100% of the time you will get you ass kicked.
"Bro did you hear what happened?"
"No what?"
"Carlee pulled The Dumb Bitch 180 and got her ass beat."
"Damn bro.
by Just A Fucking Human April 23, 2020
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A sexual act in which a male having sex, usually in missionary position, uses his penis as a pivot point to spin in a half circle, and then proceeds to have sex reverse missionary while the two are now facing opposite directions. Not for "little ones"
"Dude, I totally gave my girl a 180 teeter totter last night." "Dude, that's gay"
by NevaM November 9, 2009
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an unappreciated collection of homeless busybodies

a u-turn in a conversation

sex on the side*

a directionless musical experiment exploited by greedy would be promoters
* I think ill have poached eggs and a bit of convo 180 for breakfast
by monseur mouton February 6, 2008
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A club dance move that involves parkour and grinding. You simply touch asses with a girl, jump and spin 180 degrees, then pop your junk right on her.
Man 1: How are your dance moves tonight?
Man 2: Pretty good man, i 180 Pop Grinded this hoe and she almost fell over.
by DJ Fo Real November 2, 2010
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This is a sweet variation of the kangaroo punch. Instead of straight missionary, switch it up to 69 and then pull your feet up and kick that chick in the face.
When I was taking care of a bitch downtown, and she was taking care of me downtown I kangaroo punch 180°'d that slut
by Josh December 13, 2004
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Essentially, it's ass to mouth; but in super secret skater code.
I landed my first backside 180 nosegrab last night over at Jenny's, bro. So sick.
by Two pumper humper April 14, 2009
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its like u start w ur butt towards her, then u jump spin n pop ur dick on her
Man 1: Yo how you dancing tonight
Man 2: Good i 180 Pop Grinded this hoe and she almost fell over.
by sexy slutty papa November 2, 2010
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