(adj.) Having virgin qualities
You have virginess eyes.
by ChrisChelle&Kev June 25, 2014
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A Virgie is probably the most hilarious and sweet person you’ve ever met. She is always making people laugh. She is soooo nice and always does the right thing. She can sometimes be a little rude but hey we all have those days. She is incredibly beautiful and talented. She may not be the smartest person, but she has the greatest personality. She is fun and loves parties. If you hurt her or one of her friends really bad, she may not talk to you ever again, but she tries to forgive you. If you know a Virgie, she will probably be the best person you’ve ever met, and the prettiest.
Girt 1: hey is that Virgie?
Girl 2: yea! She is soooo sweet and funny!!😃
by Kitty_cat2000🐱🌸 April 24, 2018
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a THICC gorgeous, hilarious , sweet caring and kind person who always make you smile
Who’s the new girl she’s really sweet

That’s Virgie
by Colbybrockswife March 6, 2019
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A Virgie is the sweetest girl you’ve ever met. She is also very funny and athletic. A Virgie will always do the right thing , and will be the best friend you’ve ever had! She is also really pretty. Virgie may not be the smartest person, but she has the best personality. She is soooo fun to be around, and loves parties. If you hurt Virgie or one of her friends really badly, she may never speak to you ever again. She would try to forgive you though. If you know a Virgie, she is the best girl ever, and one of the prettiest .
Girl 1: hey is that Virgie?
Girl 2: yea! Omg she is soo funny and sweet!
by Kitty_cat2000🐱🌸 April 24, 2018
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A name very unique an special name used by older people passed down to Daughters/Granddaughters
Virgie is a beautiful name
Virgie isn't a very common name

Isn't short for Virginia
by DeadWalking97 February 24, 2016
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A virgin who is clueless and oblivious to the sexual world. Is often found wearing sweater vests and ties.
"I have bed sheets with bears on them!"
"and thats why you're a virgy."
by Sumoo March 7, 2008
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Virgy is alright
Have you seen Virgina’s artichokes today? Yeah, Virgy is alright.
by Toomuchchicken February 12, 2021
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