(adjective) Synonymous with forward-thinking. Derived from the evolutionary thought of Charles Darwin. Pronounced the same as Darwin and only distinguishable based on context. The difference in spelling was derived in the same fashion as p'wned was from owned.
The creators of Google are so Darwyn.
by D.J. Metzger December 30, 2008
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A skanky, glumpy, hairy yumpkin with a HUGE penis that drags on the ground behind it as it goes about its day. It can't read very well, it smells like rancid cum farts and it tends to eat its own feces, vomit and toe jam, amongst other strange things like broken glass, cocaine and hooker belly button lint. If you call its name, it cowers in a corner and poops on itself.
Woah! That is definitely a "Darwyn", if i've ever seen one!
by ladyalligator September 2, 2023
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