5 definitions by zygorff

When an event or person is so godly or amazing that the only way it could be possible is if they are Jesus himself.
Dude that guy over there has picked up every girl all night..........without even talking to them!!!!!!??!!!!

-Jesus himself-

My friend robbed the biggest bank in the world using only a ballpoint pen!!!!

-Jesus himself-
by zygorff October 21, 2009
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Many ppl don't realize that fail is an anagram for

Guy# 1-dude my teacher is really hot

Guy# 2-darn i gos stuck with some old lady

GUY # 1-F.A.I.L

*F.A.I.L can be interchanged with fail*
by zygorff May 5, 2009
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When you reach with your right hand into your left pocket and proceed to pull a backhand out of your pocket.

Usually done when you tell a person that you have something for them in your pocket and they think its a present or something.
Hey Alfonso I have something for you.


Ya hold on a sec.......Bam!! Pocket slap bizznatch!!!
by zygorff October 31, 2009
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an adjective used to describe something amazing or something /someone very, very energetic.

commonly used in northern ohio
dude that kid got to stay home to play cod 4 modern warfare II !?!!!!!

thats funking jolt cola!!!!!!!!
by zygorff November 10, 2009
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an adjective used to describe something thats amazing in bulk or as powerful as something that runs of diesel. or just used to describe something amazing.

used commonly in northern ohio
dude call of duty modern warfare II just came out!!!!
i know its funking tank diesel!!!!!!!
by zygorff November 10, 2009
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