4 definitions by zanal

a god among men.
the king of kings.
no one compares to the biggest milf this planet has ever seen.

“wow. is that mr. phaesie?”
*celdo and falzoni curl in a ball quietly saying milf repetitively*
by zanal March 27, 2019
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School Based Apprenticeship Training (for certified druggies only) all the boys love it
oi you doing a SBAT?
yeah mate of course *snorts a line*
by zanal March 27, 2019
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eBOING is the term that is used when boarding a plane (similar to boeing but not)
no way are we about to board an eBOING”
by zanal March 26, 2019
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number 1 driving school in the milfy way
oi cunt i’m getting me L’s soon aye”
“make sure to go with Let’s go drive Sydney
by zanal March 29, 2019
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