43 definitions by ysengrim

A bisexual who is more on the hetero side. An hetero bi-curious is often nothing other than an undiscovered heterodominant bi.
I am an heterodominant bi, and you?
by ysengrim January 2, 2004
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A discriminative attitude grounded on the sexual orientation criteria, and more specifically -our society being still what it is- a discriminative attitude towards gays and lesbians.
The heterosexism of certain definitions of the Urban Dictionnary really scares the shit out of me.
by ysengrim January 2, 2004
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Female homosexuality, lesbianism. In reference to Sapho.
I will support saphism until the end of my day, because it is a amnifestation of love like any other
by ysengrim January 3, 2004
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The skin covering the head of a cock, the prepuce.
I was licking the stamp. He was all cooing and hard as a rock. His headskin was thick and juicy. It was sticking itself nicely on my lips while my tongue was rolling underneath it, around his trembling head. He would sometimes grab his lovely dick, pull on it in order to retract the headskin and slide his naked cockhead more deeply into my mouth. I would simply give in to the movement, obediently. I was his ever sucking ladyboy and he knew it so perfectly well. I would kiss his headskin, lick his head, and suck his cock for hours...
by ysengrim January 4, 2004
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A major instrument of feminization, used by the slutboy to practice his walkings properly for his adored mistress
Let me hit my heels on the floor and slink my little ass for you
by ysengrim January 3, 2004
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University of Toronto, formerly King College. The oldest university in Canada.
Got your diploma from U. of Trash? They are loosers. Beat it.
by ysengrim January 3, 2004
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Your guy is laying bottom up. You pin four or five fingers at the root of his scrotum and scratch delicatly, lovingly, in the direction of the balls, then back up, then back down... You proceed softly, but you manage for his balls to feel clearly your fingers scratching them from the back, of even from the front.
He was displaying his ass and balls to me. Bottom up on the bed. First, I licked his balls softly, from behind. When they were all wet, I sticked my lips and tongue in his adored slit-ass. I then did some scrotum combing on his wet trembling balls. I was licking and combing softly, getting hard myself, dreaming already to fuck his adored cock hungry ass.
by ysengrim January 5, 2004
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