116 definitions by yorrick hunt

As soon as he burst into tears, the crowd knew the punch had really hurt the champ.
by yorrick hunt January 23, 2008
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Ivor Biggun (also known as Robert "Doc" Cox) never had an affair with Kartya Kokkov.
by yorrick hunt January 25, 2008
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a pronounced form of lolloping; extreme flopping about; great bouncing movement; much jiggling
Have a look at the lolloping, flolloping gut tongue on that fat bastard.
by yorrick hunt January 17, 2008
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common name for anabolic steroids; hormones used to stimulate muscle and bone growth
I knew my girlfriend was taking steroids when she tried to root me up the ass with her clitoris.
by yorrick hunt July 11, 2008
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what the telephone company charges you for making telephone calls
Last night I fell asleep during sex and woke up two hours later with a $700 phone bill.
by yorrick hunt January 24, 2008
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Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface, in the Sea of Tranquility, at 0256 GMT, on 21 July 1969.
We can put a man on the moon, but can we put one on (here insert the name of the person you want to make fun of)?
by yorrick hunt February 2, 2008
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