19 definitions by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx

commonly refered to as "the bug"

Can be used to describe a large variety of sexually transmitted deseases but this term is most well known for meaning THE BIG ONE... HIV or AIDS.
"That girl is lucky she doesnt have the bug, after all that messing around she does"
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 29, 2004
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When a guy ejaculates (cums) in a girls mouth. Then while she has the seamen in her mouth, the guy gives her an open mouth kiss, and has his own seamen spit back into his mouth while kissing her... hense the term "snowball".

"after I got head from Becky, I got a california snowball"
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 29, 2004
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The act of laughing at someone online not because what they say, but be cause of their ignorance and incompetance.

Laughing sarcastically at someone because of their lame statement.
Bob: "what is the internet? Does it come on Fox?"

Bob's Friend: "LMAO-LAMO!"
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 25, 2004
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The new (circa 2002) 20 dollar bills that is siginfied by the pink and blue ink which has been added to the usual green and black. Due to the "flamboyant" color scheme of the newly circulated bills, the term "rainbow" was given to the twenty dollar bills. Not unlike the term "big face twenties".
"Hey cashier, why doesnt this rainbow twenty doesnt work in your Sprint bill pay machine?"
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 29, 2004
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A close friend that is a lesbian, either a dom, fem, butch, or bi.

Term used by males to describe thier lesbian friends... or friends the suspect they are lesbians.
"Lex and Bruiser are two of the most laid back les-be-friends I ever had."
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 25, 2004
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You have no skills.
A very old urban term used by gamers in the mid 90'. First originated by GameFan magazine.

Your gaming ability is severely lacking.

Not up to the challenge

You just suck
"If you cant beat ____ (various game), your weak sause"

"This game is not recomended for weak sause players"

"You were too scared to talk to that girl? Golly gee are your weak sause Billy."
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 25, 2004
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derived from the word "ignore".

The act of placing someone on your ignore list, or blocking someone from joining in conversation with you online. Originally ment for instant message conversations or certain chat rooms where an "ignore button" is an option. The term has recently been used for offline situations as well.

The act of ignoring someone. Not returning a them.

What one does after a one night stand if the other person is insanely ugly.
"Girl, this guy was a real psycho... so I had to igg 'em".
by xCOBRA_CLUTCHx March 29, 2004
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