10 definitions by wwwjohnjewelcom

(also called alectoromancy or alectromancy)
derivation comes from the Greek words alectryon and manteia, which mean rooster and divination respectively) is a form of divination in which the diviner observes a bird, several birds (or most preferably a white rooster or cockerel) pecking at grain (such as wheat) that the diviner has scattered on the ground. The observer may place grain in the shape of letters and thus discern a divinatory revelation by noting which letters the birds peck at, or the diviner may just interpret the pattern left by the birds' pecking in randomly scattered grain.

In another version, the observer tethers the bird in the center of a circle, around the perimeter of which is marked the alphabet, with a piece of grain at each letter. For each grain the bird pecks, the observer writes down the letter which that grain represents. The observer also replaces each grain as the bird eats it, so that letters may be repeated. The sequence of letters recorded will presumably contain a message.

This form of divination is related to Ouija, by the random selection of letters; and gyromancy by the random selection of letters from a circle around the diviner themself; and to orniscopy, divination by the movements of birds.

Alectormancy is also sacrificing a sacred rooster.
The practisioner of Majic is carried away with all the"alectryomancy "alectoromancy,alectromancy)

The accuracy of a divining rod is no longer an urban mythe but is pure "alectryomancy".(also called alectoromancy,or alectromancy.)
by wwwjohnjewelcom April 5, 2009
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(also called alectoromancy or alectromancy)
derivation comes from the Greek words alectryon and manteia, which mean rooster and divination respectively) is a form of divination in which the diviner observes a bird, several birds (or most preferably a white rooster or cockerel) pecking at grain (such as wheat) that the diviner has scattered on the ground. The observer may place grain in the shape of letters and thus discern a divinatory revelation by noting which letters the birds peck at, or the diviner may just interpret the pattern left by the birds' pecking in randomly scattered grain.

In another version, the observer tethers the bird in the center of a circle, around the perimeter of which is marked the alphabet, with a piece of grain at each letter. For each grain the bird pecks, the observer writes down the letter which that grain represents. The observer also replaces each grain as the bird eats it, so that letters may be repeated. The sequence of letters recorded will presumably contain a message.

This form of divination is related to Ouija, by the random selection of letters; and gyromancy by the random selection of letters from a circle around the diviner themself; and to orniscopy, divination by the movements of birds.

Alectormancy is also sacrificing a sacred rooster.
The practisioner of Majic is carried away with all the"alectryomancy "alectoromancy,alectromancy)

The accuracy of a divining rod is no longer an urban mythe but is pure "alectryomancy".(also called alectoromancy,or alectromancy.)
by wwwjohnjewelcom April 5, 2009
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Momentary trendiness.
A fadacious philosophy,or Philosopher,who has the world in the palm of his hands is not speaking on timeless issue's.
by wwwjohnjewelcom July 17, 2009
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is a suffix of Alectryomacate and is the discriptive process of precieving words while they are forming and finding their hidden meaning to form a new word.
The Queen accepted her servants Alectryomacation of her oratory.
by wwwjohnjewelcom April 5, 2009
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a new phylisophical way of resolving oximoronic thought processes.A process that combines the concious and the subconcious ( second mind ) eradicating the barrier between them making the mind clear for elaborating on systamatic circumstances or intellectual preoccupations.
After a life time of being Politically right winged I made a coaborative decision to move to the left.

Being a coaberative decision on the part of the radical leader to come to the table and negociate , I knew he was walking the walk and not just talking the talk.
by wwwjohnjewelcom April 6, 2009
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To foresee hidden meanings and make words out of words,in other words as they are spoken.
Does a dog have a soul ,
to alectryomacate is to foresee that there is another word with in dog, that is of a similar meaning and conclude that God is the concept inside the word dog and change the word dog to God.
by wwwjohnjewelcom March 29, 2009
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Worldism is a bit of truth derived from worldly ways or wisdom.
The idea that the world and its wisdom is truth.
The truth is infinite but worldisms are fadacious.
by wwwjohnjewelcom July 17, 2009
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