3 definitions by www.cosmiccandy.i8.com

1. Something that pertains to ishkabibble, or ishkabbibble.
2. The adjective form of ishkabibble.
(A word that is used to replace something that is not describable by another word, or just to replace a word because you don't know what the word you want to use is.)
My friend, who likes to eat oreos, bananas, and peanut butter; listen to bag pipe music; and do her homework at the same time, is so....ishkabibbley.
by www.cosmiccandy.i8.com July 16, 2003
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1. Used to describe something cool or nice.

It's sort of a girly kind of word...
These gel pens are totally spiffy! Aiiiee! omg! xD
by www.cosmiccandy.i8.com July 16, 2003
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A word to use when something is indescribable, or when there's nothing else to say. It is sometimes used as a fake name.
Bob: How are you?
Billy: Ishkabibble.

Angelica (a toddler): Meet my friend, Ishkabibble! We like having tea parties together! :)
by www.cosmiccandy.i8.com July 16, 2003
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