11 definitions by word master123

Said before telling someone bad news.
(Another way of saying rain on your parade.)
I hate to shit on your parade, but your dog just died.
by word master123 August 25, 2006
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The feeling you get when a bunch of soap gets stuck in the pee hole of your cock or dick, and your cock stings and in some cases you need to piss repeadily and need to wipe of the genitile with a wet tissue or cloth.

An insult to a male usually meaning that they have no penis
I cant run right now because of this fucking cock stinger

You asshole, fucking cock stinger, rape eater, shit face!
by word master123 August 26, 2006
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1.A long, large piece of shit that when, after shitting it out, you dont have to wipe.

2.An offensive word to call a jock.
1.I never poop out anything but sturdy-turds.

2.All the players on our football team are sturdy-turds!
by word master123 August 25, 2006
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The best ilusionist ever! (Despite what other people may tell you.)
Watch Criss Angel on A&E at 10:00 P.M., like i do!
by word master123 August 24, 2006
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1.A small piece of poop that you see in the toilet after taking a shit that reminds you of a dumpling.
2.A general insult to anyone.
1.I think I have diaria, i found about 20 turd dumplings in my shit this morning.
2.Timmy is a fucking turd dumpling
by word master123 August 24, 2006
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1.A small piece of poop that you see in the toilet after taking a shit that reminds you of a dumpling.
2.A general insult to anyone.
1.I think I have diaria, i found about 20 turd dumplings in my shit this morning.
2.Timmy is a fucking turd dumpling
by word master123 August 24, 2006
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