10 definitions by venge

crazy dutchman who wears wooden shoes and is fond of chinese happy endings
by venge April 8, 2003
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A term used to describe the lilbuddy
It comes from the ability for a woman to put her cooter on your penis and ride it all over the place like a scooter.
that slut rode my cooter scooter all over the place last night.
by venge April 15, 2003
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a cool name for a punk band.
We're going to see cat yack tonight. They fuckin rule
by venge April 9, 2003
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Term used to describe a type of female that is:

- Easy to bang
- Takes money for sex
- Disappointed male does not get any
That fucking hooker, she gave me blue ball
by venge April 8, 2003
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From the mullet family. This is a common find in the spanish sections of towns. Commonly found in mexico and surrounding U.S states.

This brand of mullet can be hostile in packs and are often nasty after a few tequilas
upon my trip to mexico, I noticed in the run down parts of the city a wild pack of spullets coming towards me.
by venge April 8, 2003
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On a good friday night, even your lilbuddy sees some action.
by venge April 8, 2003
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see blue balls

This term is only used when the male suffers from a broken nutsack i.e Missing one factory worker
by venge April 8, 2003
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