9 definitions by therealbestfriend

/nkwɪmbəl/ 🔊
a tiny, surprising thing that makes you really wonder because it's so unexpected.

SIMILAR: skertling, curio, serendipity.
"While hiking through the forest, I stumbled upon a nnquimble—a miniature mushroom with vibrant colors that seemed almost magical in its unexpected beauty."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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/skɜrtlɪŋ/ 🔊
a small, unexpected event, creature, occurrence, or emotion.
SIMILAR: whimsy, mischance, nnquimble.
"The skertling of a shooting star streaking across the night sky filled the children with wonder and excitement."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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/ˈkælɪkoʊ/ 🔊
in music: blending classical piano with creativity for a captivating, unique performance.
SIMILAR: fusion, uniqueness, blend.
"The pianist's calico style of playing combined the elegance of classical piano with bursts of creativity, resulting in a mesmerizing and truly unique musical performance that left the audience in awe."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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/ˈlɪli/ 🔊
the cheerful feeling gotten from soft, pastel colors, flowers, euphoria, and a touch of silliness all in one.
SIMILAR: delight, bliss, ecstasy.
"As she strolled through the garden filled with delicate pastel blooms, she couldn't help but feel a lily of happiness wash over her, a delightful mix of soft colors, flowers, euphoria, and a hint of silliness."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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/driʃ/ 🔊
a situation or expression that is both puzzled and subtly mocking, often accompanied by a raised eyebrow or a sly grin.
SIMILAR: irony, sardonic, quizzical.
"As the professor struggled to explain the contradictory theories, the room was filled with an air of drish, with students exchanging quizzical glances and sardonic smiles."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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sləʊθfʊl/ 🔊
a lazy feeling when gaming without a clear purpose and feeling bored. all about being unproductive and not making much sense.
SIMILAR: idle, boredom, laziness.
"During the long summer break, Mark often fell into a slothful state, spending hours gaming aimlessly, feeling unproductive and bored without a clear purpose."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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/ˈɛθlɪŋk/ 🔊
super-fast internet for the best gaming, using top-notch cables and tech.
SIMILAR: seamless, gaming-optimised, next-gen.
"I upgraded my gaming setup to include ether connectivity, ensuring super-fast internet for seamless online battles and next-gen gaming experiences."
by therealbestfriend October 1, 2023
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