20 definitions by the real julia

Complete. Whole. Without need. Intellectual, emotional, physical...
True Love is not impossible, just hard sometimes.
by the real julia March 21, 2007
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This is the title of an American song, circa pre-turn of the century. The lyrics, in part are as follows:

"A froggy would a'wooin' go,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
Whether his mother would let him or no,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
He went right to Miss Mouse's den,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
He said Miss Mouse are you within?
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
He said Miss Mouse I've come to see,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
Whether or no you would marry me,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
So Uncle Rat went to town,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm,
To buy his niece a wedding gown,
Mm Hmm, Mm Hmm..."

The merit of including this song is found during the time it was popular music. The sentiment among "civilized, mature, adults," was that this was simply youthful indulgence, a rebellion comparable to a more recognized form of music such as rock'n'roll.
Every generation has had a form of musical rebellion, for us hip hop and rap, metal, scene, indie and so forth. For our parents' generation Elvis, The Beatles, The Doors, The Who, The Rolling Stones. For their parents' generation Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennette, The Rat Pack. Perhaps earlier representations would include Cab Calloway, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and the myriad Big Band, Scat, Blues, and Jazz entertainers that drove the musical force of generational distinction between parent and offspring.
Before this there were songs such as "A Frog A Went A Wooin'" that were considered "noise" as much as the parents of the rock a'billy/rock'n'roll generation felt the music their children listened to was "noise."
"A Frog A Went A Wooin'" is a song my Nana and I sang together. Nana explained that this song was considered old during her youth, considering she was born in 1915 this translates to a pre-turn of the century circultaion of the song.
So this snippet of lyrics, and the mere mention of this song, represent a slang of a bygone era that nevertheless deserves recognition and preservation among the archives of slang documented in Urban Dictionary.
"A Frog A Went A Wooin'" represents the Dean Martin, Elvis, Metallica, Aerosmith, and G-Unit of a bygone era in its relevance as a form of youthful expression, rebellion, and significance as an indicator of changing times.
by the real julia May 29, 2006
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Most beautifuol women in the world! Famous for their beauty! Men go to Iceland just to look at the women!!
Julia is one of many beautiful Icelandic Women!!
by the real julia December 25, 2005
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Traditional meaning of this name is from the Latin as the feminine form of Julius. It was meant to depict a soft downy face.
Today's meaning is far reaching in its scope due to the depth of individuals possessing the name of Julia. Contemporary definitions include the following traits:
Humility despite obvious giftedness.
Grace under fire.
Sexual prowess, and allure.
Charismatic qualities often resulting in captivated audiences.
Leadership strengths so as never to consist of follower behaviors.
Eccentric yet elegant tastes in men, clothing, hair, cuisine, and jewelry.
Compassion and kindness that knows no bounds and remains intact and available to persons regardless of their merit or past actions against a Julia.
Lacking in vanity, jealousy, obscenity, or the unappealing physical traits so common of other persons that are unfortunate to not have been named Julia.
Intellectual superiority is often attributed to said persons named Julia, though they do not flaunt this grand trait, nor do they hold a lack of intellect against those not born with the fortune of parents that would designate them with such a prestigious name as that of Julia.
Complexion so pure and luminescent that age is evaded with no neccessary measures of chemical peels, plastic surgeries, nor make-up concealers.
Socially, a Julia, shows ease and grace often owning a poularity unparalleled by the nameless masses flocking to said Julia.
That girl is so sweet, kind, unforgettable, sexy, compassionate, alluring, smart, flawless and humbly never notices that she is so great! She must be a Julia, who else could stand to be so wonderful and not advertise.
by the real julia June 21, 2006
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That girl is so sweet, kind, unforgettable, sexy, compassionate, alluring, smart, and flawless. Only she never seems to notice that she is so great! She must be Julia, who else could stand to be so wonderful and not advertise?
by the real julia November 28, 2005
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Usag and meaning varies.

1. Bad smell, odiferous, maloderous
2. Depressed state, moody
3. Musical movement/genre
1. Leaving a glass of milk on your windowsill for days on end will result in a distinct miasma, or Funk.
2. Feeling down in the dumps, sort of lazy, edgy or irritable, but without justifiable cause is referred to as being in a Funk.
3. Music speaks for itself- George Clinton & the P Funk All Stars...
by the real julia April 20, 2006
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