29 definitions by the clit commander

All the slang words for masturbation: bashing the candle, Beat the meat, Bleeding the weasel, bleedin the weed, buffing the banana, bopping the baloney, burping the worm, choking the chicken, cleaning your rifle, corking the bat, cranking the shank, cuffing the carrot, fisting your mister, flogging your dog, floggin the frog, flogging the hog, flogging the log, flute solo, jerkin'the gherkin, looping the mule, manual override, painting the pickle, pocket pinball, pocket pool, polishing the banister, polishing the rocket, pounding your flounder, pumping the python, roping the pony, spanking the monkey, teasing the weasel, tossing the turkey, walking the dog, whipping the willy, wonking your cronker, yanking the crank.
Vote for the clit commander. and the clit will live on
by the clit commander March 12, 2005
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What Tony Saprano did to all his enemies.
I'm goin to snuff you dirty rat.
by the clit commander April 9, 2003
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I ate your moms coochie last night and it gave me the shits.
by the clit commander April 9, 2003
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(n. or v.) To place testicles in someone's mouth and procede in a up and down motion.
Shut up or I'll tea bag you
by the clit commander April 11, 2003
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a whore house, or a place where all the women got back
I think I might take me a trip to the ass parlor cause Im looking to get busy.
by the clit commander February 21, 2005
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