4 definitions by the last e girl standing

how to pronounce- its not shhhuler or squealer or anything like that not it's pronounced Skyler. did you go to shool? NO u went to skool (based on pronunciation). we r super kind tho, loves little kids, can get rly mad if ur on their bad side and is quiet sometimes to not start shit
"Schuyler is pronounced Skyler get that thru ur thiccc skulls"
by the last e girl standing August 30, 2019
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an expression used to say your going to jump off of something or throw something rly rly far. Commonly used by students at my school when math is frustrating.
by the last e girl standing August 30, 2019
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what all the basic vsco girls say now. it's usually when they don't know how to respond or someone says something bold. sksksks is also common to be said after and I oop-.
by the last e girl standing August 30, 2019
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commonly used in shows such as criminal minds, stan mgg btw, unsubscribes refers to an unknown subject. The person the cops are trying to find is an unsub.
"our unsub is most likely a white male who feels the need to be in power "
by the last e girl standing January 15, 2021
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