21 definitions by texlex61
Think of "Convalesce You" as a secular alternative to the customary "God Bless You" or "Bless You" one might say in response to another's sneeze. "Convalesce" means to recuperate, recover, or regain one's health. Saying "Convalesce You" (rendered as a 3-syllable con-vless-you) in response to a sneeze satisfies the social norm of not disregarding another person's sneeze, without invoking any Gods or representing any authority to confer blessings.
by texlex61 December 10, 2020
Application of various disreputable and/or dishonest strategies, employed by the giver in a regifting situation, calculated to deceive the recipient into a) believing that the gift was not known by the giver to be undesirable at the time of giving (e.g., broken, malfunctioning, diseased, leaking, putrid, hazardous, malodorous, untrained, etc.), while, b) concealing the fact that the giver has already received his purchase price back through application of some other white trash artifice. Closely related to white trash rebate, white trash refund, white trash warranty claim, white trash exchange, etc.
Claudette, Claude's double 3/4 cousin, would not have been hesitant to complain that the "resting" gerbil he gave her on her 7th birthday hadn't moved in 3 days, had she known that she was the victim of a white trash regifting and that Claude had already obtained a refund plus a "disposal fee" thrown in as a bonus.
by texlex61 January 29, 2009
Mass media programming characterized by its use of a charlatainer (i.e., a charlatan (malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit) who actively develops and exploits a larger audience through a role in the public media by enhancing the entertainment "value" and, hence, the commercial potential, of news topics to the detriment of the veracity of the message and, as a result, the health, utility, and likelihood for progress respecting many issues which arise in public policy discussions. Charlatainment works because it is an especially insidious form of terminal addition, which results in a passionately rabid but woefully malinformed and/or excessively inflamed audience clinically disinclined to thereafter engage in reasonable discourse...apparently due to a permanent scarring of the reality lobe...
Bob said he got all of his news information via charlatainment, because he enjoyed being freed from having to think for himself, having to consider that public issues are often intrinsically complex, and because he missed the pep-rally-like fervor of being unified with a group of think-alikes engaged absolutely against a common, token adversary...and because, given the permanent damage to his reality lobe, sound-bite-level analysis was all that he remained capable of.
by texlex61 April 22, 2010
A series of phonemes commonly uttered by English language speakers who share a common defect in English language acquisition.
When asked if she had received competent English language instruction, Alberta replied "supposably."
by texlex61 January 30, 2009
Rtrell loudly declined minimum-wage employment debriding the bed sores of grossly obese shut-ins, proclaiming "Rtrell don't scrub no stanky fat ass for no income-odious wage!"
by texlex61 January 29, 2009
A charlatan (malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit) who actively develops and exploits a larger audience through a role in the public media by enhancing the entertainment "value" of news topics to the detriment of the veracity of the message and, as a result, the health of public policy discussions. This results in a passionately rabid but woefully malinformed and/or excessively inflamed audience clinically disinclined to thereafter engage in reasonable discourse...resulting in a generally permanent scarring of their reality lobe.
True excellence in broadcasting is constantly eroded by the loud and passionate strains of mass media charlatainers who intentionally and calculatedly use rhetorical strategies to distort the truth in order to better stir passions of their audience for the maximum personal gain and fullest commercial exploitation of the charlatainers and their commercial and political backers.
by texlex61 April 22, 2010
Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to obtain a refund to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to white trash exchange, white trash rebate, white trash warranty claim, white trash regifting, etc.
Percy, expressing extreme discomfort, quickly negotiated a white trash refund of the cost (with tax) of his pricey hemorrhoid preparation, because he "didn't get home from the store with it" and "had had to resort to other means."
by texlex61 January 28, 2009