21 definitions by texlex61

Think of "Convalesce You" as a secular alternative to the customary "God Bless You" or "Bless You" one might say in response to another's sneeze. "Convalesce" means to recuperate, recover, or regain one's health. Saying "Convalesce You" (rendered as a 3-syllable con-vless-you) in response to a sneeze satisfies the social norm of not disregarding another person's sneeze, without invoking any Gods or representing any authority to confer blessings.
AHHH AHHH AHHH CHOOOO!!! Convalesce You!
by texlex61 December 10, 2020
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"Clustercation" is a PG-ified version of the familar expression "cluster fucK," reportedly coined by U.S. Marines during the Vietnam War to refer to a situation gone wildly awry. Patterned semi-faithfully after the original compound word-set (i.e., "CLUSTER" and "FUCK"), "clustercation" is a variant compound formed from "CLUSTER" and the terminal 2-syllable fragment from the less ambitiously connotative, but more socially accepted "forniCATION." With its extra syllable, hard "k" alliteration, and distinct meter, "clustercation" may also provide a useful alternative in diverse discourse scenarios where "cluster fuck" would be permissible, but "clustercation" may yield more aesthetic appeal. Care should be taken to avoid overuse, to minimize being viewed as a magniloquent bore.
The fantastically inebriated Halloween celebrant cross-dressed as a female traffic cop instantly caused a raucously cacophonic clustercation when he ran out into the busy rush-hour intersection wildly swatting at the swarm of hornets he hallucinated all about his head and shoulders.
by texlex61 April 2, 2011
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Past tense combination of "zing" and "singe," where the "zing" involves an insult, which singes (slightly burns) the recipient. Can be pronounced to rhyme with the past tense of "zing" or "singe," just to make it more interesting and to be more consistent (in terms of inconsistency) with so many other words of the English language. Usually, the insult is offered as mild, witty sarcasm or a fascetious comment where the gravity of the insult is relatively minor and the point of zinging it is calculated to achieve only a slight burn.
My daughter really zinged me when she humorously questioned my general ability to be succinct. I have never been more proud!
by texlex61 February 4, 2010
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"That dude is such a moron that he doesn't even realize how wrong he is, yet he won't shut up...What an igmoranus!
by texlex61 January 21, 2010
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Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to obtain a warranty repair or replacement to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to white trash exchange, white trash rebate, white trash refund, white trash regifting, etc.
Cletus, fearing that his high-dollar videocam would fail once the 5-year extended warranty period expired, obtained a full-value replacement with a well-crafted white trash warranty claim, after correctly surmising that 10 seconds in the microwave effectively simulated a covered lightning strike and/or electrical surge.
by texlex61 January 29, 2009
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Various grunts, groans, growls, bawls, squeaks, squawks, hisses, purrs, boops, whoops, whizzes, whams, bams, pops, peeps, howls, churtles, chortles, gurgles, babbles, buzzes, and other verbalizations apparently reproducing a sound quality of a referenced thing and appearing to comprise meaningful articulations, but which, in reality, are merely the mindless noises of a complete idiot.
"No class," expressed the 7th grade teacher, Ms. Buzby, when Jeremy makes the "raspberry" sound, it's not a rude example of onomatopoeia, it's straight up idiomatopoeia.
by texlex61 January 30, 2009
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"DJT", pronounced "didge it", a figurative finger with the characteristic scent of the literal unwashed probe of a gloveless proctologist, which persistently seeks to return to its own rectal comfort zone.
Suddenly, every podunk redneck has a hankering for the DJT.
by texlex61 December 10, 2020
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