4 definitions by syke

Basicly street slang for pretending, used in place of "playin" or "jokin"
yo momma just fell down the stoop... SYKE !
by syke June 30, 2003
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A hoodie to wear when you’re not doing well mentally
You’re wearing your comfort hoodie a lot lately, do you need someone to talk?
by syke May 14, 2023
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An early retirement plan that features quitting a high-paying job before you've saved enough money to be financially-independent only to accept sub-minimum wage work to make ends meet and feed your family.
He's still working, but the hocomania has him thinking he's retired.
by syke March 18, 2005
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bloof: \blüf\ n - An extemporaneous missive posted on the internet, composed by an inebriated author.
After reading Datter's latest bloof, I'm getting worried about his liver!
by syke August 30, 2005
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