19 definitions by sweetness-and-light

aite so lincoln heights is a neighborhood in sesd or southeast san diego...near paradise hills. it is not a place you wana be at night. poor neighborhood, with a big gang problem. primarily hispanic black and asian, nearly even. The school, lincoln High, was closed because kids kept getting blasted or 'klacked'. It's reopened though. A lot of the kids when Lincoln closed went to nearby SCPA or the performing arts school in paradise hills. A lot of them are still really defensive about lincoln and don't wear green unless you go there or u gona get shot, you don't see a kid in Lincoln Heights wearing green if they don't go to Lincoln Heigh or they kmow they gonna get shot.
Lincoln heights is a ghetto neighborhood in san diego.
by sweetness-and-light April 30, 2007
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phrase made popular by rapper Noreaga or NORE. it can be used as a greeting like what up. or in a fight when you win, then get up in that bitches face and be like, what what!
what what homes! thizz is what it is
by sweetness-and-light May 17, 2007
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A total fucking joke, because even though she did live in the Bronx, Miss Lopez actually went to private school and got private dance lessons every day. My heart bleeds...
Jennifer Lopez: I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block!

Ben Affleck: Shut up bitch
by sweetness-and-light June 20, 2007
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When someone is being a downer, hostile, whiny, or just not 'going with the flow'.
Angela: we're planning a surprise birthday for Kenny tonight!
Tim: What an idiotic idea.
Angela: Stop being so bloody eggy!
by sweetness-and-light June 21, 2007
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A large community in San Diego. Where it borders UC it is pretty run down and not that nice, tonsss of tagging and little studio apartments, and those kind of ghetto ass clusters of stores selling shit like tacky fake-Chanel necklaces and hooker dresses. Then as you get into the center of Clairemont it is actually nothing, jus neighborhoods with the occasional little strip mall type thing with some 99 cent stores and a subway, and maybe a rite aid. some of the houses in the middle are actually pretty expensive. As you get east it turns ghetto again...
Nikki said she was from La Jolla but the bitch was lying, she's from Clairemont.
by sweetness-and-light May 27, 2007
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When you do something while listening to a song, and for ages afterwards whenever you listen to the song, you remember that thing you did while listening to it.
omg this song reminds me of when we were chillin in North Park and it was on the radio at that thrift store. Remember how Kenny got diarrhea in Vintage Religion?

No! how do you remember that?

oh it's an ear memory.

by sweetness-and-light May 2, 2007
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A little electronic keychain with an animal on it. I had a kitten when I was 4 (which was when these lil fuckers were in style). Every night it would die cuz it would shit at like 3 in the morning and i wouldn't be up to change it. eventually i got so pissed at it I threw it under the train tracks at the subway station.
this fucking tamagotchi is messing with my mind!

by sweetness-and-light May 1, 2007
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