3 definitions by suspendernoob

1. A Teletubby that had been submerged in water, acting as though it is a fish
2. A person who is acting like a teletubby whilst it is swimming

3. A person named Teli, stemming from the greek name Aristotle, who is acting as though they are a fish
The teli fish yearned for his aquatic beverage.
by suspendernoob November 27, 2018
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1. Feeling the need to molest your hand and then doing so
2. The act of molesting someone else's hand to show affection
3. Touching someone else in order to get their skin cells on your hand and then molesting your hand so you can eat thrie cells.
"Did you see him at the party? He is such a hand molester!"
by suspendernoob February 3, 2016
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Teli, the name that stems from the greek philosophers name Aristotle. Due to obscurity of this name it is usually reserved for naming members the LGBTQ+ community.
I'm going with Teli to the gay rights march this weekend!
by suspendernoob June 4, 2019
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