18 definitions by stoner

Used as onomatopia, the sound of a cash register. Signifies in a final sense a profound exclamation.
there is currently no example for this word
by stoner April 21, 2005
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marijuana that has already been run through a vaporizer at least once.
all i've got left to vaporize is some duff from last week, but we can still get pretty high.
by stoner June 18, 2006
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Hats was first used in a tight group of Mt. Greylock High School stoners but rapidy gained popularity among the school to mean MArijuana. A whole sub-system of terms branches from it using winter items to represent their favorite illegal things. The process of smoking marijuana is called, wearing a hat, or putting a hat on.
"Hey man, are you cold?"
"Yeah, we should wear hats"
by stoner November 14, 2004
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The reason for wars and pain and death in the world.
nothing else to say really
by stoner April 7, 2005
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