16 definitions by steve austin

The ability to crap anywhere, anytime in any conditions
Did you see Dave crap on MT Everest that dude is way crapitextrous
by steve austin July 22, 2004
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Quick Robin, we must get to the craptum craptorium, before it is too late.
by steve austin August 18, 2004
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the study of feces to predict the future
Crapology is an ancient and venerated practice going back to the dawn of mankind
by steve austin July 21, 2004
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The celebration of the month of craptober
I can't wait to have some crap beer and crap pretzels at this year's craptoberfest
by steve austin July 23, 2004
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When you're single and nauseated by all the supposedly "happy" couples making goo goo eyes and calling each other shmoopy around you.
Great another fucking Crapintines Day alone
by steve austin September 19, 2005
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Female frontal pubic hair area trimmed into the shape of a rectangle.
"That chick's patch is all dialed in."
by steve austin April 25, 2003
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