8 definitions by somemoron

The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "dant" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very conveniant for people like me who don't care about what's "in."
Dant people keep it real.
The Yankees are not dant, a lot of people hate them.
by somemoron March 13, 2006
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It is a test using a credit card, or any other plastic card. One takes the card and slides it down a girl's face to see how much foundation comes off.
Woah! That girl is such a cakeface, she totally fails the credit card test.
by somemoron August 3, 2007
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SBTB depicted hilarious antics and lives of the students and principal of Bayside High School.
by somemoron August 22, 2007
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You are fresh. On a roll. Nothing is stopping you right now. You are like a stone which keeps moving. You are up with the times and living in the contemporary world.
The magazine Rolling Stone attempts to be contemporarys but only people like you reading this are tring to be fresh by keeping up with teh times and don't want to stop rolling.
by somemoron March 24, 2005
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This is an alphabetalical version of the TIE fighters in the motion picture series Star Wars.
Darth Vadars rides a (-o-) sometimes.
by somemoron March 25, 2005
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The modify an object or word to make it more street-talk and African-American dialect.
Wear them propa clothz you goin ta pray yo - Please wear proper clothes as you are going to church
by somemoron May 2, 2005
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Any type of condiment one puts on a female vagina to increase the male's enjoyment of oral sex.
ex. whip cream

Hmm! Thats some mighty fine, tasting goods you got there. What type of fish sause is that?
by somemoron May 1, 2005
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