32 definitions by someguy

The Australian Natural-Selection community. Probably the best, ever. Of anyone, anywhere. Ever.
by someguy May 30, 2003
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A pretty chick , with alot of nerve .
Pretty cute , Skinny , her hair iz like ca^y cho^~i cha`
by someguy April 9, 2005
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Whiney, uninspired, faux emo music, usually with sung and screamed vocals.
Man, that new Story of the Year CD is total tatecore!
by someguy November 30, 2003
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ler, used as an unknown emotion. Specific to SG and Gf3.
ler man.
hella yah ler!
by someguy May 26, 2004
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Insanely large testicals, almost to a freakish make me wanna cry extent.
Guy 1:I knew this guy whose nuts were so big he had to get them shaved to join the navy

Guy 2: dude that guy had some major tamblyns
by someguy May 3, 2004
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Someone that is very tall and skinny, i.e. lanky

Word comes from 'stringbean'
by someguy February 24, 2005
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someone that is extremely tall and lanky
hey stringa, hwos the weather up there
by someguy March 31, 2005
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