4 definitions by sguire

When you get the hiccups from swallowing too much air while giving a blow job.
I gave my BF a blowie and now I have the diccups
by sguire April 15, 2021
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The melange of sour smelling poo particles, partially digested food, and pseudo diarrhea that you find in the toilet after a night of drinking low quality beer.
The worst part of drinking all that beer wasn't the headache, it was smelling the brew stew in the morning
by sguire June 8, 2013
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verb -- to place a pubic hair on a beverage container -- usualy done as a prank. Named after the United States Supreme Court Justice who allegedly held up a can of Coke and asked "who has put a pubic hair on my Coke?" to the woman (Anita Hill) he supervised and was harrassing sexually.
Bob pranked me bad last night by ordering 20 pizzas delivered to my room, but I got him back by Clarence Thomasing his Dr. Pepper at lunch.
by sguire May 18, 2013
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to achieve sexual satisfaction by rubbing your knob between a woman's butt cheeks--often because she won't do anything else with you. The woman is usually bored, and would normally be trying to do something else while you finish your business.
Stacie wouldn't sleep with him, but she used to let him klukow her while she flipped through a magazine. I can't believe he let that situation exist for two whole years.
by sguire August 21, 2012
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