6 definitions by say what?

Acronym for Yet Another Bunch.
Don't mind those guys panhandling at every fuckin intersection; they're YAB of ignorant saps waiting for The Lord to fix everything they've fucked up in their life.
by say what? July 1, 2004
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do you even need to ask? back in the '80s, they went to 2 Super Bowls and were pretty good, then in '90 they made the playoffs...for the most recent time. They've sucked ever since
The Bengals are pathetic. They actually had a chance at the playoffs in '03 and blew it!
by say what? March 24, 2004
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Buffalo pro football team; been to 4 straight Super Bowls (1990-93)and lost them all; currently are building what should be a hell of a team in 2004
Aw, the Bills, the dudes who lost 4 straight Super Bowls, including the 1 that had that famous missed field goal
by say what? March 24, 2004
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Adjective; Person or group of overwhelming force. A force to be reckoned with, as described by a drunk person.
That group of huge guys is an ireckonable force.
by say what? March 1, 2013
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one who is really weird and/or goes crazy (is obsessed with) a certain thing/person

mmm, my girl is such a cock-fiend... i love it!
by say what? February 18, 2003
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all offense + no defense = early exit from the playoffs
Manning and Harrison are awesome, but the Colt's defense sucks!
by say what? March 24, 2004
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