2 definitions by sailordragonball

When you decide to get something delicious to eat before eating something else from someone or some other place. It's not an appetizer ... it's more a meal to carry you over until the next delicious meal.
Hey, Mike! Sharon invited us to dinner tonight, but her food doesn't taste good and I got sick last time we ate her house. We should get a preat at McDonald's before we head over her house for dinner, because I don't want be hungry after we leave.
by sailordragonball April 12, 2016
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"Free food samples that are given out at various locations, i.e., Sam's Club, Costco, and other establishments."
Damn, I'm hungry and broke until payday! I should get my 'ghetto tapas' face on at Sam's Club to save some money!
by sailordragonball January 3, 2014
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