15 definitions by rep

To take a drag/toke/puff of a marijuana joint/spliff.
"Yo, dude, let's have a take on the joint?"
by rep August 24, 2004
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When toking from a bong, one must hold a lit lighter to the end of the chalice, put his mouth to the opening at the top of the bong and breath in to draw the smoke up and into the chamber. The process is referred to as 'milking the chamber.' Once the chamber has been milked appropriately, the toker takes his thump from the rush hole and breathes in HARD, sucking up a sweet blend of air and smoke which may give him a harsh headrush.
"Dude, you milked that chamber nicely, now take yo' thumb off the rush hole and BREATHE IT!!"
by rep August 24, 2004
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'Cained' is the desired stage one should be aiming for when out smoking pot with his buddies. It's more intense then a 'high,' but has yet to go into 'stoned.'
"I'd introduce you to the parents, dude, but you're a bit cained."
by rep August 24, 2004
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1) To have had sex in the past tense
2) To be doomed to misery in the near future
3) Describing someone who is totally and utterly drunk and/or completely under the influence of one or more drugs beyond the point of comprehension, rationality and all response. They may be puking everywhere and/or behaving abnormally, influenced by whatever's in their body. 'Fucked' is not usually referred to as a pleasant experience.
1) "Dude, Sam fucked Kay last night!!"
2) "Aaagh! Somebody called the cops! We're totally fucked!!"
3) "Dude, he is so completely fucked he doesn't even know what's going on. Help me get him to bed."
by rep August 24, 2004
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When one inhales too much marijuana smoke, one may find oneself coughing up his lungs. The quality of the weed may make a harsh toke, but it's is usally down to error of judgement by the toker. If he drags too much on a joint, he may experience a 'harsh toke,' especially if he takes it straight down. However a harsh toke usually occurs when toking from a bong, as it is sometimes hard to judge just how much smoke is in the chamber.
Guy 1: *Cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *gak* *cough* *cough* *cough* "Fuck dude that was one harsh toke!!"
Guy 2: "Dude, that toke looked harsh as."
by rep August 24, 2004
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The process which entails meeting a dealer in a (usually) prearranged place, and purchasing--'picking up'--your dope.
Guy 1: "Oi, where an' when we goin' to pick up?"
Guy 2: "We're on our way to the kebab van right now to pick up you twat."
Guy 1: "Yaaaaaaay!"
by rep August 24, 2004
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To tell someone to 'smoke up' is asking them to hurry up with the joint when they're taking fucking ages with their tokes.
Guy 1: "Is this your 3rd toke?"
Guy 2: "Nah, 2nd."
Guy 1: "Smoke the fuck up, then!"
by rep August 24, 2004
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