18 definitions by renegade

1.Big, butch girls who would just as soon eat a baby for lunch

2. Mike Roberto
Yo, shes def a baby-eater
by renegade December 6, 2004
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wot pakis shout bak when a white boy says "oi paki"
white boy: oi paki take that fukin tea towel off ya head son
paki: fuk u white boy
by renegade April 27, 2005
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music originating from the small island of Mauritius. very popular and great to dance to. similar to soca.
hits include, nacho betty and tourne li tourne
by renegade May 11, 2005
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a legendary musician, with bags of talent
y is stevie wonder always smilin'?
coz he doesnt no hes black
by renegade May 15, 2005
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the future of English and football, people who
insult or "hate" on him are too fat, poor and jeaulous to make something of their pathetic lives.
oh eeee ohhh eeee WAYNE ROOONEY!!!! OH EEE
WAYNE ROONEY!!! heehee
by renegade May 11, 2005
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