4 definitions by realist
Originally made up to keep people from hurting, killing, and stealing from others, and to make people treat others with decency and kindness, it's actually caused what it wanted to prevent. People have killed, hurt, and stole just because one does not believe the same ideas and opinions concerning religion as they do. Religion is a good thing, however, things like marrying as a virgin are nearly impossible. It's good to have morals, but religions not as needed as before. There are now laws to keep people in line. I believe in God BUT the "YOU WILL BURN IN HELL IF-" crap should stop.
She strongly believes in religion.
by realist March 30, 2004
the latest throway hip poper who has been exploted by greed and power rather than talent and originality
by realist April 23, 2003
the highjacking of a cultural movement to create fast cash by marketing and signing talentless artists who release music of this genre
by realist April 23, 2003