240 definitions by rachel

An actress on the movie The Ring, Joan on the TV show Joan of Arcadia, and many others.
by rachel May 23, 2004
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crazy petifile choir teacher who likes to threaten young boys and girls with spakings . when telling the tenors to sing she says "alright boys" in a sexy voice to try to attract the yousters...usually just creeps them out...call enemies "linger" to infer that they are crazy petifiles
by rachel December 3, 2004
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An attitude, like 6th graders or freshmans.

for girls: little 6th graders walking around with glitter all over thier cheeks saying "omg im lyk so kewliez1!!1"

for boys: non brand clothing. cheap skter shit.
Look at those friggen ladden girls acting up.
by rachel March 3, 2004
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(N): The slang term for a ver small penis. (Roots from: Wee and Penis)
I dumped my boyfriend because he had a weenis
by rachel May 17, 2004
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exclamitory; when you are excited!
we won we won WEENIS! pronounced WEE-NEZ
by rachel September 10, 2003
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Its somone whos half black and half white (a Wigger)just like the infamous black and white swiss cake roll.
Ooooohh that swiss cake roll is HOOOTTt.
by rachel January 13, 2005
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