14 definitions by psiscott2000

1) A question posed to someone when their breath is so foul that you nearly puke when they are talking to you.
2) A question stated when someone is talking objectionally close to you - in your face - to knock them so off-guard that they have to back away out of embarassment and/or shock.
1) Max: - who was out all night drinking - "...and then we had another round of 5 shooters each and went up to sing Karaoke..."
Scott: - gagging from Max's sewage breath intercedes - "Good god dude...is that your breath or your ass!!?
Max: - turning red from embarassment shuffles off quickly to the men's room to cleanse his mouth with dispenser soap.

2) Sergeant Dick: - uncomfortably close and in the face of an investigating detective - "I want to know if you went in, picked up the knife and THEN put on your gloves, or if you put on your fucking gloves BEFORE picking up the piece inspector!!?"
Inspector Non Chas Lant: - "Excuse me Serge, is that your BREATH or your ASS...."
Sergeant Dick: - backing off several feet - "Just keep the scene clean from now on guys."
by psiscott2000 May 15, 2006
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Excitement when one's taint is caressed; usually by a tongue. The taint - 'taint her pussy nor her ass' - is a sensitive area between a woman's anus and pussy which becomes more and more sexually sensitive as the oils from her vagina are mixed with warm saliva from a teasing tongue. At some point this feeling - specifically related to this pleasure - may be called 'taintillation.'
Beth: "How did you find...ohhhHHHHhh...that spot....OOOOO...yes....MMmmmmmmm."

Max: "Its not hard when you know where to lick baby...How is that for taintillation."

The above example is one which could suddenly end the girl's taintillation because the man used the term while doing the act. This is a no-no for this word. Using words like "baby" and "taintillation" while engaging in sexual activities is a sure way to have woman turn over and leave.

Use taintillation in a jovial sense if you are detailing your pleasurable experience to an interested buddy (hard to find because no normal guy really wants to hear details or your load-blowing escapades)

Max: "...and after I finished that, I started on her taint. Wasn't long before she was writhing in..taintillation my man!"

Scott: "Sounds great..uh, could you get me that wrench over there, and a coffee...double double please."
by psiscott2000 April 12, 2006
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1) Getting yelled at.
2) Racking your scrote and balls so badly that they resemble pureed potatoes.
1) 12 year old: "What did your mom do when she found the cigarettes?"
13 year old: "She balled me out; told me I could die before I was twenty."

2) A man is cycling comfortably along a busy street and decides to accelerate when he sees the traffic light ahead change to amber. He stands high on the pedals and pumps harder and harder until his left foot slips at the same time his tire catches a sewer grate. He is rapidly shifted forwards forcing him to firmly and squarely straddle the center-post of the handle bars which catch his shorts. The bike is partially wedged by the front tire in the sewer grate but the force of his crotch ALONE lurches the bike out of the grate where he somersaults - bike fully attached solely to his crotch - through the entire intersection. While lying there unconscious, an onlooker can see the skin of his scrotum tightly twisted around the one handle bar with a flattened dark blue testicle clearly seen through the thinned skin.
Onlooker: "Maaaaan, that guy just got SEEEeeeriously balled out!!!"
by psiscott2000 April 12, 2006
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A complete traffic SNAFU which can no longer be called a traffic jam but this.
A jam-up of traffic so snarled that it takes hours rather than minutes to get to ones destination.
A situation where you are better off leaving your car and walking the last 10 miles home.
Max: "What is this...oh..great the traffic is at a stand-still and we're in the express lanes!"
Scott: "I told you they said it on the radio but you were so busy on your cell phone that you didn't hear it!!!It is a major traffuck jam guy, a cattle truck flipped over, we are here for hours. Actually YOU are here for hours with YOUR car because YOU didn't get off when I told you...I'm walking!
by psiscott2000 April 28, 2006
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1) A guy who could use some more muscle.

2) A guy in the gym who is not very large and is called this by the juice users or gym rats.

3) A guy in the gym who walks around as if he were large - but isn't - and is called this by larger guys as a cut-down and derogation of his vanity.
1) "Mike is 6 foot 4 and 125 pounds. He needs to eat more; he looks like a friggin' bonerack."

2) Mick: "Look at that bonerack trying to press 180 pounds."
Jake: "Yea, he could use some help from our buddy Winni!"

3) Tom Cruise: "Move aside gents, I need to fix the machine. Me that is; I am the machine. Just measured the pipes yesterday; a solid 12 inches!"
Jake: - *purposely bumping into Tom and knocking him to the ground* - "Oh, sorry Mr. Bonerack Cruiser, I didn't see you there; you must have been standing sideways."
by psiscott2000 April 12, 2006
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A device used to zip across the water while being toed by a boat. A watersport device used to body-surf behind a ski-boat. A surfing like device - usually round and flared upwards at the edges - used to skim across the water at high speeds behind a ski-boat.
Max: "Do you want to do some skiing today?"
Scott: "Nah, lets get the sea biscuit out and get crazy on that glassy water!"
by psiscott2000 April 12, 2006
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A pseudonymn for tuna. (THIS IS AN INNOCENT WORD!!!)
A word used to replace tuna when making a tuna salad sandwich for children.
Wife: "I am making tuna sandwiches for the trip."
Husband: "NO NO NO....do NOT use that word. The kids won't eat it...use seabeast instead!"

Little Buddy: "Daddy, what kind'a sandwich is this?"
Daddy: "Why that is a SEABEAST (said with deep powerful voice) sandwich little buddy...gives you big muscles!"
Little Buddy: - devouring sandwich - "Yum...GRRrrr....yummy".
by psiscott2000 April 26, 2006
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