13 definitions by poorbrokegradstudent

Theoretically, no gay Republican politicians exist because the GOP is a pro-"family values", christianist party which despises LGBT people.

In reality, about 45.3412% of male Republican politicians (and climbing) rilly want some of that viking love but act like homophobic dicks in public in a desperate attempt to hide their secret attractions. 'Til they get caught in a "compromising position", that is.
"_I am not gay!_" -- protest of self-identified not-gay gay Republican IN state senator Phil Hinkle, who attempted to have a business sexual relationship with a young man Hinkle contacted on craigslist. Hinkle was subsequently outed to his wife by the other man after Hinkle gave the man his smartphone in a state of panic. (2011)

See also: Larry Craig, Tom Foley, Troy King, Roy Ashburn, etc. urban dictionary could have a spin-off site with just gay Republican follies.
by poorbrokegradstudent July 29, 2012
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Play on World of Warcraft, a multi-user online RPG known to cause video game addiction. Addiction symptoms include long stretches of uninterrupted game play (12+ hours a day not uncommon), neglect of nutrition and bodily hygeine, social avoidance, job loss, academic failure, financial difficulties, child abuse or neglect, and possible marital separation or divorce.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration should reclassify World of Warcraft as a Schedule I drug (highly addictive, no medicinal benefit).
*Cue Sgt. McGruff anti-drug PSA jingle*

Users are losers and losers are users, so no Warcraft, no World of Warcrack!
by poorbrokegradstudent December 8, 2010
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A marriage of a man and a woman where one spouse is heterosexual and one spouse is homosexual.

Often the homosexual marries the heterosexual in an attempt to "cure" their sexual attraction to the same sex. Religion, family expectations, and a desire to have children often influence a homosexual person's decision to wed a person of the opposite sex.

I use the term "homosexual" and not LGB because many same-sex attracted people that marry a person of the opposite sex do not self-identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Many also prefer to stay in the closet.

Many, but not all, of these marriages end in severe marital conflict, separation, or divorce.
Sandy suspected that Steve was gay for a long time, but couldn't tell for sure until she found his Manhunt account on the family computer. Now she's certainly in a mixed orientation marriage. Sandy's hired a lawyer without Steve's knowledge.
by poorbrokegradstudent July 22, 2010
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Citizen's Band radio. Public radio service in the 11 meter shortwave band. In North America, the frequencies are 40 channels from 26.965 kHz to 27.405 kHz in 10 kHz steps. AM (amplitude modulation) or SSB (single sideband) modes may be used. A CBer may not use more than 5 watts on AM or 12 watts PEP on SSB, yet the power restrictions are often flouted.

The FCC (US radio regulatory agency) once required licenses for CB. The popularity of CB in the 70s resulted in much illegal operation. The FCC dropped licensing requirements in the early 1980's.

North American CB today is a wasteland of cursing, vulgarity, sexual innuendo, jamming, music broadcasting, and heavily distorted audio due to improper radio modifications. Amateur radio (ham radio) operators have a particular dislike for CBers and CB lingo. CBers sometimes transmit illegally on ham radio frequencies and are often caught by vigilante hams with radio direction finding equipment. Ex-CBers who get ham licenses are often ostracized for using CB lingo on the air. It is a grave insult to call an American ham operator a CBer.
Heard on CB radio channel 14: (shouting, incomprehensibly distorted audio) "Roger roger breaker breaker 14 hear my radidio come on come on"

Ham 1: "Did you hear that new ham on the repeater? He was using CB lingo like 'what's your 20?'"

Ham 2: "Yeah, I'll have to pull him aside at the next hamfest and talk to him about it."
by poorbrokegradstudent August 23, 2010
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Ubiquitous 1990's late night TV infomercial phenomenon. PSN was a 1 900 number psychic service that charged astronomical per minute charges. Instead of merely hiring an actor to pose as a psychic and hawk services directly to a camera (see Miss Cleo), PSN employed past their prime entertainment personalities to "host" a casual roundtable discussion that persistently extolled the proficiency of the network psychics. PSN also used phone testimonials from shills to enhance a not so subtle peer pressure to dial the phone.

PSN's infomercial model proved very successful. Like Home Shopping Network and QVC, the creation of an artificial peer group to sell almost anything attracted many people with few social outlets.
Back in 1993, Melvyn's mom racked up $10,000 in phone bills from watching Psychic Friends Network late at night. After the auto accident, she had nothing to do but lie in her full body cast and endlessly call for her horoscope.
by poorbrokegradstudent August 20, 2010
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The supposed "commoner name" of the reigning Monarch of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Commonwealth Realms.

People who call Queen Elizabeth II "Betty Windsor" are either anti-monarchy, small-r republican, apathetic, or satirists.
English monarchist: Her Royal Highness will visit this august country of Canada in a fortnight.

American: Dude, I just go to school here. I'm not Canadian. Why should I care anyway? Betty Windsor's just a person, like anyone else.

English monarchist: How dare you sully our most Serene and Exalted Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms with a made-up commoner name!

American: Let's get real. She eats out of Tupperware every morning at breakfast.
by poorbrokegradstudent December 23, 2011
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Before 15 February 1971, the British pound was divided this way:

12d (pence) = 1s (shilling)
20s = one pound.

"penny" is the singular of "pence", as today. There were 240 pennies in a pound.

Why 'd'? One penny (1d) was formally called a 'denarius' after the Roman coin. This term was never used in popular language.

Sums below one pound (and sometimes over) were written s/d, such as 12/6 (said: twelve and six) or 5/- (said: five shillings).

There were a whole slew of interesting coins, including:

1/4d = farthing (from Anglo-Saxon, 'a fourth')
1/2d = ha'penny (half a penny)
3d = thruppence (a fourth of a shilling)
6d = sixpence (half a shilling)
2s = florin ("two bob bit"). A tenth of a pound.
2/6 = half crown ("two and six"). An eighth of a pound.

At the time of conversion, one shilling equaled 5p and one florin (two shillings) equaled 10p. A shilling in 1970 had approximately the value of 84p or $1.25 today.

The old pounds, shillings, pence system was a remnant of the early Middle Ages and Charlemagne! Continental Europe was all decimal coinage by the end of the 19th century. Tradition-bound Britain soldiered on until the beginning of the 70s.
Shopkeeper, 1965: The Help! album costs thirty-two and six.

American in London, 1955: the British pound is so confusing! Better just put the coins on my palm and have the shopkeeper take the right amount. Hope I don't get swindled.
by poorbrokegradstudent August 21, 2010
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