1 definition by poopsmellsbad

A small city located in Wayne County in southeast Michigan. It has 19,584 residents. 96.9% white, 0.37% black, 0.41% native american, 0.78 % asian, 1.5 everything else. The city is known for its racism, an african american male moved to the city and had a cross burned on his front yard. As far as the city goes it is incredibly boring. The entire city is pretty much made up of boring old houses. It has a park named Elizabeth park where all the city youth go and get their drugs, the cops are seemingly oblivious to this. It brags because the very first A&W in the state of Michigan opened here in 1935 not that anyone else gives a shit. And every year they have a really gay scarecrow festival where people go and dress up like scarecrows and stuff hot dogs in their face and they also have an annual boat race where people pay 20 dollars to watch little speed boats do three small laps how lame is that. Their high school looks like shit, it hasnt had any updates whatsoever and the school district is always in debt. The kids in the school are snobby and rude. The boys in the school think they are so good at sports and talk alot of trash and the girls in the school are always fat and ugly. If I grew up in Trenton I would probably be embarassed.
Kid #1: Dude I heard there is going to be this big party at this kids house in Trenton and I heard alot of chicks are going to be there

Kid #2: Yeah fat ugly ones
by poopsmellsbad July 12, 2009
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