25 definitions by pixie

a. I'm feeling kinda bleh ..
b. BLEH! This is ridiculous!
by pixie December 6, 2003
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small, made "cuter" ..
softened, rounded, adorable, unpredictable, very hyper characature.
When her boyfriend is acting particularly stupid, Crystal whomps him with her chibi mallet, and mrrs, bearing her chibified fangs, and going away to pout and munch on cookies.
by pixie November 25, 2003
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poopy farts; wet gas, known to stain your underwear and may require you to wipe.
that burrito gave me mud bubbles.
by pixie February 14, 2004
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woman controlled by her man
The woman was dick whipped by her man and his big penis.
by pixie November 24, 2003
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