4 definitions by pfidr34

1.) The act of saying one thing but then doing another
2.) Changing your mind out of nowhere.
3.) Making someone think something but then blind-siding them by giving them the boot.
1.) "No man, I am done talking to her" (then the person still dates her)

You have just gone John Kerry status on me.

2.) "Yeah, I'll go" (Then the person bails last minute)

3.) Having a few good dates with someone, then getting the "we need to talk" speech
by pfidr34 August 30, 2006
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When you havent heard from a friend in a while
I havent talked to Adam in like 3 days, he most have went ghost-mode on me.
by pfidr34 August 30, 2006
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When you can't get in touch with a friend, so you give up.
I tried to call him 5 times, he is now in ghost-status. He has to call me
by pfidr34 August 30, 2006
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1.) The act of disappering on your friends without notice.
2.) Cancelling plans with little or no notice.
Guy #1: Hey, have you heard from Frank?
Guy #2: No, I think he is ghosting on us!
by pfidr34 August 30, 2006
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